
KRISTA HEWLETT is the Founder of Our Story Magazine, a print and digital Christian magazine for women offering hope and inspiration for seasons of life and grace. Krista is known as a writer, speaker, creator, and friend who desires to see the gifts and voices of women amplified for kingdom purposes. She believes that women serving women is key to moving forward in our relationships, families, communities and that loving and serving one another begins with truly seeing each other.
When not writing, researching, or fostering one-to-one relationships, you will find her studying the weather, the movement of critters big and small, or gazing into the night sky trying to identify the stars and planets by name. Krista loves being ‘Nan’ to her baby boy’s baby boy and sailing with her husband. She often says she is more a thinker and studier than a writer, and studying the Bible is her absolute favorite.
Seven things about me
I am a stationery fanatic. Pens, paper clips, bookmarks, cards, and all the notebooks, please!
I am fascinated by our natural world and beyond. The weather intrigues me, especially thunderstorms! I study the movement of almost every bird, insect, or animal I see. You can often hear me talking to the critters big and small as if they were pets, or I am jaw dropped in silence as I marvel at their magnificence. And you will often find me gazing into the night sky as I try and remember the planets and the stars by name.
I love sailing with my husband. The wind in my hair. The smell of the water. The sound of roaring waters as they rush by. There is nothing like it!
I am more of a studier than a reader. I love to study the Word. I find commentary and writings by intellectuals ever-intriguing. I am thoroughly contemplative and write a copious amount of notes.
My formal bio says I am a writer and speaker. More accurately, I am a thinker trying my best to communicate the thoughts and questions that wander through my mind.
I write hundreds of words daily and take dozens of photos but rarely share either. Most are just for me, or I struggle to feel worthy of sharing them. I am not alone in this sea of doubt and questioning one's value. I find many writers and encouragers also feel the same.
I love sitting by a woman as she shares her story. I have learned there is no greater intention in life or leadership than focusing on the individual. One-on-one relationships are the key to inspiring life and love. To have an invitation into another woman's life and be entrusted with her story is one of life's greatest honors.