I'd love to hear your story, help you dream, and extend support to inspire you.
If I could sign a license for you to light that fire God has placed deep inside your heart, I would. The thing is, He has already called you. Sometimes we need reminding—a validation to activate—and have a spark blown our way to ignite that light. So, can we do this together?
Our Story Magazine
As the founder and publisher of Our Story, it is my humble honor to amplify the gifts and voices of women internationally through this premium print and interactive digital magazine. Each offering is unique and beautiful, and I am beyond excited to share this magazine with you. To learn more, visit ourstorymagazine.com.
Woman to Woman
I also invite you to look around this space and see if something here engages your dream or helps you get unstuck. Be sure to check out the Woman to Woman page, where you will find resource recommendations for women by women—including a collection of Resources from friends.
Sign up for my Monday Memo emails!
I'd love to connect with you through email. I send a memo every Monday to those who sign up. It includes project details, resource recommendations, and several thoughts that usually spark a discussion about struggle and moving forward, pressure and purpose, and potential and perspective.
I am here to cheer you on, to remind you that you are not alone, and to keep doing what He asks you to do so you can be who He made you to be. I love our Monday Memo conversations! They usually lead to one-on-one connections throughout the week. If you're interested in receiving the weekly Monday Memo, please sign up below.
For more about me, visit the About page. You may see a piece of my heart there.

Our Story Magazine—Hope and Inspiration for Seasons of Life and Grace.

News & such

He's calling you to new adventures. It's okay to leave things behind.
A new day has come.
No thing wasted.
Much love, Krista