Have you ever read a scripture a number of times over the years and after a while something new pierces your heart? Each time commanding your attention in a whole new light. The story of the woman at the well must be one of my favorites, in John 4.
There are simply two people: • A lone woman and a man. • A Samaritan and a Jew. • An outcast and a Rabbi. Think about it ... • As a man Jesus should not speak to a woman who was alone. • As a Jew He could not drink from the vessel a Samaritan woman used to fetch water. • As a Rabbi He should never be found alone with an unclean woman, let alone speak to her, and drink from her vessel. Do you see it ...
This is more than a story of an individual’s redemption. It’s the story of God himself undeniably revealing truth and clarity to a woman, not just any woman, a despised woman who was the talk of the town. He shared the truth with her, that He was the Messiah of which she spoke about.
The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he.” John 4:25-26
Then, like David in Psalm 30:12, she did not stay silent.
She was never meant to stay silent. She left her water jar and her shame behind when she ran through the town proclaiming the messiah has come and that He personally talked with her and made her anew through His truth. Then many more came to see and hear Jesus, and also believe. Listen sweet one... • No matter what label our society has placed on you or you have placed on yourself — He sees YOU. • No matter how defiled you are in body, mind, or spirit — He loves you. • No matter your state of faithfulness, belief, or the amount of prayers you pray — He longs for you. • No matter your gender, age, marital status, working woman or not — HE CALLS YOU!
Much love,
